Faculty & Staff Giving
Strengthening Denison, Together
As a Denison employee, you make our university the supportive and engaging community that so many other colleges try to emulate. Your contributions to Denison — whatever, whenever, and wherever they are — make a difference and help give them a life-shaping educational experience.
You can support those life-shaping opportunities that you have helped create for our students by making a gift to the Annual Fund! Your donation of any size, when joined with financial support from other faculty and staff, as well as alums, families, and friends, makes a profound and immediate impact. You can see it for yourself in the:
- exceptional students with whom you interact,
- performances by highly regarded guest artists and talks by international opinion leaders,
- exciting, competitive Big Red athletics events,
- our beautiful, timeless, and well-maintained campus,
- and so much more!
Denison makes it easy to give — with options to schedule recurring payroll deductions or one-time gifts. Celebrate your workplace and Denison’s students by making your Annual Fund gift today!
Mail-in Payroll Deduction or Gift
Words from Our Colleagues
“I am a Denison employee, and I support the Annual Fund.”
Monica Ayala-Martinez P’25
Associate Professor
Years at Denison: 27
“As members of a university community, it is of particular importance that we contribute in every way possible to strengthen that community, to help it grow, and to help produce cultural change when needed. I give back to Denison because it is another way I can contribute to the community. It is another way of saying I am a part of this social, intellectual, and cultural quilt, and I can help it to continue to be better.”
Liz Barringer-Smith P’22
Academic Administrative Assistant
Years at Denison: 17
“I donate because, as a staff member and a Denison parent, I have seen firsthand the transformative power that the liberal arts can have on a young person. The relationships that we as faculty and staff develop with our students are such a unique and rewarding aspect of our job. It’s a privilege to help ensure that future students will have the same experience and to know that any donation, no matter the amount, can have an impact.”
Jeremy King ’97
Director of Sustainability & Campus Improvement
Years at Denison: 15
“I give to Denison because I believe in the mission of the college and the collective work we are doing to support that mission. By donating to the Annual Fund, we open doors and create new opportunities for our students — it is yet another way we can show our students and alumni that we support them in their life journey.”

Amanda Morrison
Senior Associate Director, Strategic Philanthropic Support